Pictured: Dramatic moment Heidi Klum helps rescue her son and his nannies… after boyfriend Martin Kristen saves them from treacherous riptide


Heidi to the rescue: Klum pulled her son Henry out of the sea after he got caught in a riptide while holidaying in Hawaii over Easter

Pictures have emerged of the dramatic moment Heidi Klum helped save her son and two nannies from a terrifying riptide over Easter.
The 39-year-old was relaxing in Hawaii on Sunday with her children and boyfriend Martin Kristen when their holiday took a frightening turn for the worse.
The supermodel and her bodyguard lover were forced to rescue her seven-year-old son Henry and two of the family’s nannies when they got swept away in the ocean.
Photographs from the scene show her running towards to the water and dragging them from the surf to safety, moments after her boyfriend had pulled them from the waves.

Panic: The model notices that her son and his two nannies are in danger in the waves

Heidi is seen walking along the sand before she realised that Henry was in trouble.
Breaking into a run, the German-born star started to point frantically at the water.
Wasting no time her boyfriend and bodyguard immersed himself in the treacherous waves and began to pull Henry and the terrified looking nannies to safety.

Concern: Heidi breaks into a run when she realises there is an issue

Brave: Henry seemed to take it in his stride, while Heidi also remains very calm throughout the emergency

She's back: After bringing Henry to safety she then jumps in the sea again to bring the other nanny to shore

It wasn’t long until Heidi herself was at the water’s edge and dove right in to get stuck in with the rescue.
First she grabbed her eldest son who was struggling to stay above the surf, while Martin and one of the nannies crawled back on to the sand, visibly gasping for breath.
Satisfied that Henry was safe, the blonde star jumped back into the water and swam to rescue the other nanny.

source: dailymail


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