Those workouts definitely paid off! Matt Damon shows off his rock hard abs in new promo for sci-fi film Elysium


Muscled: Matt Damon shows off his rock hard abs in a newly-released promotional image for his new sci-fi drama, Elysium

Fans of The Bourne Identity with certain affection for Matt Damon will be salivating over his next project.
The 42-year-old actor stars as a muscled tough guy named Max in Neill Blomkamp's forthcoming sci-fi drama Elysium.
A newly-released promotional shot obtained by Entertainment Weekly shows the action star revealing his rock hard abs, decorated with tattoos, as he prepares to invade a space station - home to a utopian society which has left humans for dead on Earth.

Science fiction: Damon wears a high-tech exo-skeleton in the film, which required him to put in extra work at the gym so he could carry the weight running

His head shaved, and body covered with ink, Damon takes centre stage in the latest offering from Blomkamp, who also wrote and directed intelligent sci-fi film District 9.
Set in the year 2154, Elysium follows life on a space station of the same name, and the humans on Earth forced to fight for survival on a toxic planet.

Warfare: His character, Max, makes his way to a futuristic space station where the privileged live without sickness, poverty or war

Blomkamp described Max as the 'archetypal character who just grew up on the wrong side of the tracks but isn’t a bad guy', in an interview with
'The idea is that they grew up in this gang environment so each tattoo does have a personal meaning to the character,' the actor added.

On the big screen: Elysium is scheduled to hit cinemas in the US this August

The star revealed the vision for the character, who wears an exo-skeleton 'hulk-suit' meant he had to bulk up substantially for the role. He was also concerned about getting injured.
'It's really insidious trying to carry extra weight even if you’re in shape,' Damon told the publication. 'You just really need a pretty strong core or you can get injured pretty easily, particularly at my age.'

source: read more at dailymail


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